Goals & Strategies

Goals and Associated Strategies


Public Policy 

Secure adoption of a comprehensive agenda that elevates and funds civic learning as a priority in public education. 


Strategy 1:  Develop effective message and communication strategy highlighting the benefits of civic learning

Strategy 2:  Secure funding in the California state budget for civic learning in PreK-16 public education

Strategy 3:  Promote additional sources of funding for local efforts to implement civic learning in PreK-16 public schools


Outreach & Partnerships Goal

Cultivate and deepen relationships with identified stakeholders to advance civic learning programs at all levels of public education.


Strategy 1:  Build a statewide diverse network of advocates for civic learning 

Strategy 2:  Elevate the role of young people as stakeholders and advocates


Organizational Effectiveness Goal

Develop the organizational infrastructure and generate the resources to accomplish our mission. 


Strategy 1:  Establish Californians for Civic Learning as a statewide non-profit organization

Strategy 2:  Develop a fundraising strategy to create a diversified revenue portfolio 

Strategy 3:  Identify members’ skills and organizational strengths and assign/divide responsibilities